Fotógrafo del National Geographic

Medicine & photography


My father wanted me to be a doctor but the closest I got to that was to work for four years as an administration clerk at the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona.


In 1980 I did a story, my first ever in the world of Medicine, at a mental institution which no longer exists. My previous hospital experience provided me with familiarity with hospital environs and even without realizing I was doing it I found myself photographing my surroundings.


Surgical theaters, the emergency room, the dialysis unit, the trauma unit…in the last twenty five years I have continuously enlarged my personal chronicle of hospitals and Medicine at the turn of century

Tino Soriano


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Tino Soriano About

Born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, Tino Soriano divides his work between photojournalism and travel photography. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards from groups such as World Press Photo, UNESCO, and FotoPres, among others...


Fotógrafo del National Geographic, Tino Soriano

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